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Wise words of Lord Sri Rama

Quote of the Day

The wise words of Rama in response to the plea of Bharata to relinquish dwelling in the forest, return and become the King of Ayodhya

लक्ष्मीः चंद्रादपेयाद्वा हिमवान्वा हिमं त्यजेत् ।
अतीयात् सागरो वेलां न प्रतिज्ञां अहं पितुः ॥
lakṣmīḥ candrādapēyādvā himavānvā himaṁ tyajēt |
atīyāt sāgarō vēlāṁ na pratijñāṁ ahaṁ pituḥ ||

Moonlight may leave the moon ; The snow clad mountain may relinquish the snow ; The ocean may transgress its shores But I can never violate the word given to my father.

- वाल्मीकि रामायणं - अयोध्याकाण्डम् 112: 18
- Valmiki Ramayana Ayodhya Kanda 112:18